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2 Saiyan Fools

Hey there, and welcome to the website of the Saiyan sisters. Here you will find us, of course, DBZ information, stories, insanity, and a good time. Thanks for dropping by enjoy your stay!

Also, be sure to check out our story by clicking on the appropriate link to the left over there, it's pretty wild!

Oh yeah, and you can find our pictures in the Artwork section, as well as on the banner directly above this text. Have fun!

En & Katie, 2 Saiyan Fools

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Anime Dreamz

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Welcome to 2 Saiyan Fools

Your content would go here, and for the record. The layouts provided by Anime Dreamz are all original and designed by its webmaster, if and or for by any reason you have any questions please contact me at

Thanks ~

Also, the layout you are viewing provided by Anime Dreamz in one way or another is linked to AD. If you are to use one of AD's 'FREE' layouts it is required you link to AD on your site in one way or another. These were worked very hard on and Anime Dreamz would like to recieve credit for our effort. Please do consider and leaving the links on the pages so we can keep providing for the anime community. All this can be found in the Read Me's text files.

Best regards,
Webmaster @ Anime Dreamz

Updated last March 27th 2003